Immediately from the opening track, Too Much, it is obvious that Step Echo is turning over a new,
heavier leaf. All three of the opening tracks; including Bring and the title track Song
for the Broken all sound heavier and more serious than anything off of
their Jagged album. Even vocalist Joel
Degonia’s voice, which I had no complaints about regarding his performance
on Jagged, is heavier and more serious, and dare I say improved. It’s almost as
if he decided to change his vocal style altogether.
Just like Jagged, Step Echo weren’t afraid of including some
slow songs on Songs for the Broken. Stay
With Me is a dark ballad, very slow and full of heavy sound but it has pure
emotion that only a slow song could pull off. Then there is the undeniable
ballad off of the album, Stumblin.
This song brings out the sweet sounds of acoustic guitars but keeps the sound
of electric guitars to effectively add power and emotion to the song. Unlike
Jagged, which had two (three depending on who you ask) ballads, Stumblin is the
only ballad on this album, but Rape My
Heart, heard later in the album, is another slow song; not quite a dark
ballad like Stay With Me as the pace is slightly faster, but the song is just
as effective.
The rest of the album rocks as hard as the three opening
tracks do. The most important improvement I think the band made with these
songs is in the musical perspective, the band behind the singing is more noticeable.
There was a song or two on Jagged, Crazy comes to mind, when the band
playing behind Joel’s singing just plays power chords. That’s good to keep the
sound sounding heavy, but you don’t really notice the band and Joel is pretty
much left alone to entertain the listener (I would like to specify that not
every song on Jagged was like this though, unlike some other bands I’ve
reviewed). With the songs on Songs for
the Broken, most importantly on the heavy songs, the band behind the
singing is much more noticeable.
Ugly is a good
ending to the album. It is a standout track on a really good album, but really
every one of the albums heavy tracks, even the slightly slower Rape My Heart could have made for a
good closing track on the album. Ugly does differentiate itself from most of
the album, though, with a very noticeable guitar solo (something most of the
rest of the album lacks) and the songs ability to go from a good low vocal and
solemn guitar playing, then switch to a heavier sound for its chorus on a dime.
The song is a little too power chord friendly though.
Step Echo takes a
very noticeable turn in sound with Songs
for the Broken. I can’t help but notice how much more the band sounds like
an alternative rock band, compared to the straight forward hard rock of Jagged. While Jagged has an old
fashioned hard rock sound with a modern edge, Songs for the Broken has a modern
rock sound with an old fashioned edge. It’s not really an easy task to meet in
the middle.
“Bring” – One flaw on the album is that
it lacks a true standout track. While just about every one of the heavy songs
on the album really is great, and they do sound different enough from each
other, one doesn’t truly stand out, unlike the slower songs on the album. But I
really don’t believe a slow song should be an albums highlight. Instead, I pick
what I think is my favourite song from the album, Bring. Its vocal melody and the bands obvious comfort in playing
with each other just makes for such a great sound. The band hasn’t released any
of the songs from the album on to YouTube yet, so there is no sample of the
song to provide.
8 (Out of 10)
Track List:
Too much
Song for the
Stay with me
Rock your
Sexual taboo
Fight the
Not a world
for the living
Twisted story
Rape my heart
Dark ride
I have listened to this new Step Echo CD often enough to know dang' near all the words to every song:) Their versatility as musicians/singers/songwriters keeps ya' wanting more! I've seen them live more than a few times...I'm craving their next appearance in my hood:):):)